30+ More Tools to Automate Your Link Building

Link building automation tools can help you manage relationships and outreach, enhance link building best practices, and eliminate some of the information management overhead that might otherwise bog you down. Tools can make link builders more effective by automating routine work, thus saving time, and freeing us to be more human, as discussed last month […]

Date published
May 26, 2011 Categories

Link Building ToolsLink building automation tools can help you manage relationships and outreach, enhance link building best practices, and eliminate some of the information management overhead that might otherwise bog you down.

Tools can make link builders more effective by automating routine work, thus saving time, and freeing us to be more human, as discussed last month in “50 Tools to Automate Your Link Building.”

In the bad old days, some link building tools led link builders to indulge in spammy outreach that has stained the reputation of SEO. The worst tools worked like this:

The only good thing about the old ways is they serve to heighten the effectiveness of relationship-based link building, where each site is carefully hand-screened for relevance, the exact right person responsible for the site is found, their motivations understood, “gives” are made before “asks,” an appropriate contact method is used (email, phone, sometimes postcards), and personalized note is crafted for each contact individually.

Contact Research

So you’ve found a perfect prospective link partner, the exact right person to contact. Now you just need their email address, and you aren’t a big fan of CTRL-F and copying and pasting. Enter contact research tools.

Relationship Markets

If link outreach feels like picking up women in a bar, then you might want to check into link relationship markets are link building’s version of online dating.

Link Management (CRM)

If you create relationships with hundreds of websites, you will quickly discover that staying on top of follow-up and tracking status is a real chore. For most folks, spreadsheets work up to a hundred or so contacts.

At this point, you realize it would sure be nice to be able to search for all link prospects you emailed once in the past three months who run sites with mozRank of at least 5 where the domain registration is California and where you have their Twitter ID. Whoops, now you have two choices: just give up any hope of ever having that kind of flexibility or start manually collecting and entering the data you need.

Enter link building CRM tools. These tools eliminate much of the data entry overhead, reducing your upfront work to simply bookmarking sites. These tools make it easy to search contacts, track conversations, and automate reporting.

When choosing tools, a few factors to consider are:

  1. The ease of getting information into the system (both initially and as part of your ongoing process).
  2. The ability to track all your communications without copy and paste.
  3. The ability to track all of the link metrics you need.
  4. Task management features like assignment and reminders.
  5. The ease with which you can sort, filter, and find contacts.
  6. Integration with your SEO platform and any reporting benefits that confers.
  7. The ability to create projects manage security to control which link builders can see into which projects.

But above all, find a CRM solution you can stick with over time, regardless of your link research choices.

Link Outreach Management

So far we’ve eliminated all the friction surrounding researching a link prospect and tracking them in our CRM. Now all that’s left is to draft personalized, relevant, persuasive email (or postcards).

Four things that should be on your wish list:

Here are a few tools that can help with these issues:

Link Monitoring

Lastly, it’s important to track which links are live and when. Clients want to see progress, executive management wants to see KPIs going up and to the right, SEO directors want to know which link builders on their team are most productive, and link strategists want to see which campaigns are working and which aren’t.

There are no standalone link monitoring tools, but it is a feature of most of the tools we’ve discussed: Adgooroo Link Insight, Advanced Link Manager, BuzzStream, Raven, seoClarity, WebCEO, and Wordtracker Link Builder, all offer some form of it.

If you don’t have access to these link building tools, but want to track your links, one option is to use Google Reader’s “follow changes” feature with pages where your links appear. Google Reader will monitor the page for any changes. Paid tools like Femtoo, Verisionista, and ChangeDetect, also offer this service with more powerful line-by-line analysis of changes and email alerts.

When evaluating link monitoring tools, a few features to look for are:

  1. Automatic discovery of new links across a prospect’s domain (not necessarily just at the URL where you thought it would appear).
  2. Monitoring of your link’s anchor text.
  3. Monitoring of the number of other links on the page with your link.
  4. Monitoring of other links that appear on the same pages alongside your links (so you can avoid pages that link to things you dislike, like bad neighborhoods).
  5. Monitoring for features that rob the link of value such as robots.txt blocking, nofollow meta, nofollow rel tag, etc.
  6. Daily or weekly monitoring of all the above, with alerts for negative changes.

Aside from reporting, monitoring makes you aware of link problems immediately, giving you a much better chance of getting a resolution to the problem.


Today’s best link building tools enhance our outreach processes without substituting automation for personalization. To develop better relationships, we need to lower the overhead to manage our relationships, which means offloading work to automation tools anytime they don’t compromise the human touch. Ross Hudgens said it best: it’s all about “…automating 90% of the process, and then leaving the 10% to humans who will create 99% of the value.”

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