How the Filter Bubble Impacts Google, Bing Search & What It Means for SEOs

With the continuing evolution of social search, you can never know too much about your audience. SEOs should evaluate whether they're being filtered out of users social bubbles of influence and becoming prone to unintentional information isolation.

Date published
May 23, 2012 Categories

Note: There is a more up-to-date article available on this topic: How to escape Google’s filter bubble


In his book “The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From Youand thought provoking TED talk, Internet and political activist Eli Pariser makes a broad argument about how the Internet and technology in general is evolving to keep us in a self-perpetuating personal bubble of influence.

Pariser cites Amazon’s and Netflix’s recommendation engines as two of several examples of systems that create a continuous feedback loop and perpetuate our selection biases. Facebook’s news feed is another example cited of an algorithm that progressively reinforces our input biases by surfacing content from feeds of those in our network we frequently click on, and suppressing those whose content we do not.

Search Implications

Pariser’s argument about the online filter bubble phenomenon has broad implications for the world of search. Long-time search marketers are well aware that as far back as 2005, searchers began to see different search results for identical searches based on personalization factors such as geography, searcher history, and many others.

By 2009, search personalization further expanded to become ubiquitous for all Google searches. But the recent and most drastic introduction of social results in the SERPs (and the prominence they are given on the search page) means searchers may be moving deeper into a self-contained search filter bubble.

As social results begin to proliferate in the SERPs, we continue to see more results based on our previous predilections (click history, etc.) and from our own “social bubbles” while moving away from the broad web-centric results of Internet search origins.

A Google search for [iphone]:

Accounting for Searchers’ Filter Bubbles

As an industry, we are still working through the implications of recent changes in search. The jury is still out on whether the addition of social results in the manner in which they are implemented today in fact add something positive to the user’s quest for information (all the more so given Bing’s recent announcement that they intend to roll social results deeper into search results). Some might argue the changes have, in part, given rise to search upstarts that are devoid of this “filter bubbling” such as DuckDuckGo and Blekko.

Search Marketing Fundamentals Remain Constant

Even with all the changes, there’s no doubt that the fundamentals of search marketing remain. SEO professionals rate anchor text as the most important ranking factor and a healthy backlink profile remains a core fundamental to search engine visibility. And, SEO technology continues to enable marketers to make data-informed decisions.

At the same time, when viewed through the lens of the filter bubble, there are potential implications for how SEOs might want to evaluate that they are not being filtered out and prone to unintentional information isolation:

SEO Takeaway: You Can Never Know Too Much About Your Online Audience

Looking at online search through Pariser’s filter bubble lens, it is clearly a real phenomenon that is impacting search marketing today. The starting point for search marketers adapting to the phenomenon — while seemingly obvious, is often skipped, particularly doing so in a thorough manner.

The first step is similar to what we discussed around earlier tectonic shifts in the SERPs: start by gaining insight into how the shift is impacting you. For the top of the funnel, this means leveraging mature technology to understand how the SERPs have changed for the keywords you care about.

For deeper down the funnel, it means learning how to slice and dice visitor segments to learn where you visitors are (and are not) coming from. A well-informed search marketer will always be the starting point for search industry changes.

Let us know in the comments if you see the search filter bubble phenomenon in a different light.

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