If You Can’t Be a Creator, Then Be a Curator

Content curation is about finding the most relevant content about a topic online and listing all the relevant links found on that topic after a thorough research on the web. Here are the benefits of content curation and tips on how to do it well.

Date published
October 31, 2012 Categories

After Google raised the standards for quality content with the Panda Update and integrated social with search, the message was delivered loud and clear to the search industry: only quality content can help your website sustain its search presence. This has grown the demand for content writers.

Will content published just for the sake of adding words via blog posts suffice and help your web presence survive? No.

On the World Wide Web it’s the survival of the fittest. Your blog content has to face this Darwinian test and prove that the content meets the quality standards of Google and is worth sharing.

Publishing quality content regularly will help future proof the search visibility of your blog or site.

Usually, people appoint content writers and ask them to churn out blog posts. If this “thin content” doesn’t meet the quality standards enforced by Google, however, then it is of no ranking value and won’t improve your site’s search visibility.

If the content is …

…then Google considers it as quality content and has the potential of ranking high.

If creating such content on a regular basis isn’t possible for your business, then the other option for your blog or web presence to get correlated to the topical content of your industry is to curate content.

Content curators are basically people who do the search activity for you and present the results in the form of “Ready To Eat” food packages. If you can’t become a creator, then become a curator.

Content curation is about finding the most relevant content about a topic online and listing all the relevant links found on that topic after a thorough research on the web.

Now, content curation isn’t the easy way out and it doesn’t mean just sharing what others are creating. Just as a content creator has to meet the quality standards to stand out the curator too has to carve a niche for himself by setting high standards of quality for himself.

The Art of Curating Content and How to do it Well

Curating content is a bit of an art. Here are some tips on how to do it well:

Benefits of Content Curation

The content curator benefits online just as a content creator would benefit. Actually, curation has an edge over creation as the curated resource is like a library of the related topic which goes on getting updated with additional content from all over the web.

Curation has the potential to:

Content Curation vs. Content Creation

Curation can’t exist without creation, but quality created content gets more visibility and outreach because of curation.

Creation is a creative process but curation is a logical and a scientific process. Curation involves assimilating content, filtering unwanted content, adding own opinions, and sharing the content.

Curation isn’t the easy way out, but a different approach for getting correlated to the niche content of your industry. Curating helps the curator create an identity, get connected to the community, reach out to an audience, gain trust, and establish online authority.

Content curation and content creation aren’t competitive, but complement each other. It wouldn’t be surprising if Google comes up with a curatorship markup to give content curators an identity the way Google has implemented the authorship markup for content creators.

Curate or create content, but get correlated to the topical content of your industry and meet the quality standards to become fit enough to survive the evolving World Wide Web.

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