Screw Link Building, It’s Called Relationship Building!

Relationships are an investment. They have to incubate before you see any results in the form of links. Be a resource and helpful to people. If you lend a hand and build relationships the proper way, you will achieve maximum benefits and results.

Date published
April 02, 2013 Categories


Do you get queasy at the thought of the term “link building”? Well, maybe you’re thinking about link building the wrong way.

Try thinking about link building as a way to build value and loyalty with people in your vertical. Not only will it be a longer-term effort that just spamming people for links, but the effect will be longer lasting and way more authentic.

That was the overarching message from the Screw Link Building, It’s Called Relationship Building session last week at SES New York.

Speakers Erin Everhart (@erinever), director of web marketing, 352 Media Group, and Jo Turnbull (@SEOJoBlogs), founder, SEO Jo Blogs, explained how to build a relationship versus a link and broke down case studies to illustrate why relationship building is far more effective than the old ways of link building.

Why Build a Relationship Instead of a Link?

The benefits of relationship building, according to Turnbull, are:

Sold? Now it’s time to start building relationships. Her advice:

Making the Case for Relationship Building

Turnbull’s first case study was on her efforts with Search London. She took over Search London in October 2010 when the organizer stepped down. At that time, the group only had 200 members. Her goal was to grow the event and develop more relationships with people in all areas of search.

She created several events through 2012-2013 and after putting forth effort, increasing meet-up events, she ended up not only building additional relationships but also managed to increase the membership of the group by 86 percent.

How was this done?

Some additional results:

And the other great goal achieved: she earned more links.

Making Another Case for Relationship Building

Turnbull wanted to increase her brand awareness as an SEO blogger and gain links to her site. In order for her to do this she ran various meet-ups and also attended events that were related to her industry.

Not only did she expand her network by meeting various other experts in her industry in Europe and the U.S., but she was also invited to attend the UK Search Awards.

Relationship Building Lessons Learned

Be honest and approachable

Attend Relevant Events

Think Long Term

What Do You Want Out of a Personal Relationship?

Next up, Everhart stressed the “big picture” as opposed to getting one link. She began with a simple question: What do you want out of a personal relationship? Loyalty and value are at the top of this list.

This is the same way you should think about link building and how you should approach it. Be valuable and loyal to people and you will have a high return on your time invested. It’s important to find those areas where the like-minded people are that you wish to communicate with.

If you’re looking to get links by building relationships, here are some dos and don’ts:

What are Money Keywords?

Money keywords are words you can use in your filter when trying to find the decision makers or the active members within a vertical.

For example, if you want to further brand yourself as an expert in your niche, one way is to guest blog. Editors would be one person you would benefit from reaching out to, so adding the term ‘editor’ in your search will only help.

Other money keywords are:

Researching Your Competition

The above tips are also great for doing competitive research. If your competitor has tons of followers, find out who is following them and then start building relationships out with those individuals.

Everhart said that relationships are an investment. They have to incubate before you see any results. Be a resource and helpful to people. If you lend a hand and build relationships the proper way, you will achieve maximum benefits and results.

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