Google to Make Mobile URLs More User-Friendly

Google has updated its mobile URL display algorithms to better display the names of websites and support structured data on mobile devices.

Date published
April 17, 2015 Categories

Google mobile search results will no longer display a website’s URL. Instead, search results will include a more reader-friendly site description.

In a Webmaster Central blog post, Google outlined plans to change its mobile search algorithms to include the real-world name of a website rather than the domain name. Mobile search results will also include a “breadcrumbs-like format” for the URL structure of the site. The shift supports structured data to signal algorithms.

Google hopes the change will help mobile searchers to more quickly understand the contents of a site in limited mobile space. The blog post also suggested that the change could be coming to desktop, and while the domain name change is only in the U.S. for right now, Google has plans to roll out breadcrumbs worldwide.

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