Team Search Engine Watch hopes everyone’s staying safe and keeping up with their mental health.
Here’s a quick round-up of some good-reads this week.
Hospitality has been one of the hardest-hit industries during the COVID-19 crisis. Amanda Milligan looked into how various B2B and B2C brands are responding to this hardship through content. The article covers some noteworthy examples from Airbnb, TripAdvisor, The Potter’s house, and more such brands. Dive in, these key learnings can be applicable for your business’ content strategy.
Georgi Todorov shows you the five ways in which a CRM system lines up perfectly with the goals of an effective SEO strategy. He covers some surprising points on customer experience, keyword strategy, targeted content creation, and more!
Fractl's Marketing Director, Amanda Milligan looks into how various brands are responding to the COVID-19 crisis through content. Important lessons for other B2B and B2C businesses.
A CRM system aligns perfectly with the goals of an effective SEO strategy. More on data insights, customer experience, content creation, and more. Read more
InternetMarketingNinjas' Ann Smarty shows how to keep your marketing teams productive during the COVID-19 induced remote working environment. Read more
Ad spend declines up to 50% are expected across all channels. A quick look at ad spend and options available to advertisers in the coming months. Read more
The social distancing era is creating a new online behaviour which is the intersection of paid, earned, shared, and owned marketing, or the PESO model. So, what happens when a company decides to increase or decrease their paid social media campaigns? Read more
Redesigning a website or migrating it takes a lot of planning. If you do not take proper SEO precautions it can result to be highly unsatisfactory, but when done right, the process should be mostly painless. Download now
SEO has seen an evolution over the period of time, but one thing remains constant; SEO still holds utmost importance to digital marketing success. Download now