ContentStrategies to Market Your Content for Links

Strategies to Market Your Content for Links

You've done your research, and created quality content such as a blog post, video, tool, or mobile app. Now it's time to market that content for links. These link development strategies can be used by both large and small sites.

chess-winYou’ve done your research, and created quality content such as a blog post, video, tool, or mobile app. Now it’s time to market that content for links. These strategies can be used by both large and small sites.

The Goal

Set your goal of getting the content top rankings. Once that happens it will naturally acquire more links as larger numbers of people are finding it in search engines. Top ranking content gets linked to more often. Plus, the benefit of increased traffic to your site.

Below are strategies to get you started.

Reverse Engineer

One approach is to find similar types of high ranking content, and analyze what that site did to market the content. It will take some research, but the knowledge can then be applied to promote your other content as well.

It might surprise you that they may only be using a couple approaches, such as getting articles published on other sites with links back to the content, or even listings in paid directories. Other sites may have spent time developing relationship with bloggers or journalists, while others may be involved in online communities for their industry.

Let’s discuss some of these further.

Paid Directories

Despite what you may have heard some directories are still useful. The trick is finding them in the midst of all the worthless ones.

The simplest way to do this is to create a list as you’re looking for them. Then only submit to the ones with the best quality signals.

Some quality signals to consider are the quality of other sites listed, recent Google cache of page, their backlinks, age of site, and if they’re selling links.

Concerned the review fee makes it a paid link? In most cases no. Find out what Matt Cutts, Google Distinguished Engineer, said about directories this past April.

Get Published

Spend time getting published on other sites related to your industry. Instead of having the link point to your homepage, or product page, have it linked to the content you’re promoting. Remember the goal is to get that content top rankings so it will attract more natural links, and drive some traffic.

Get Involved

Become active in online communities for your industry. This will build good will and exposure. Most importantly it will help to develop relationships with others who can promote your content.

One way to jump start the process is to find a common problem, then build a tool to handle it such as a mobile app. Get input from the community so they feel like they are part of the process. Then you can even market the mobile app for even more links.


These link development strategies can be used to market your content in order to get it top rankings. That will lead to more links and traffic. Remember, good link building is just good marketing.


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