A Great Strategy to Create In-Depth Evergreen Content

The launch of Google's In-depth articles means that an investment in quality content continues to become a key part of any digital strategy. Don't risk losing out on a big search traffic opportunity. Here's how you can get a piece of the action.

Date published
August 26, 2013 Categories

Let’s face it, we knew it was coming. With Google increasingly putting the squeeze on poor marketing practices, either by punishing websites for using manipulative link building practices or having weak content and architecture, the rewards had to come for the good stuff.

In announcing the arrival of in-depth articles earlier this month, it heralded what I hope will be the beginning of a new phase in Google’s strategy to clean up the SERPs and reward good marketing.

The first bit is well underway. Work to kill those peddling manipulative practices and clean up the link graph has begun and Google’s content quality filter, Panda, is now so ingrained that it’s part of the core algorithm.

The question for me has always been what Google would do once we got through the pain of such seismic change. How would they reward sites that do it “right”?

Until now, Google has used the “stick” principle only. To really achieve its objectives, the company had to start creating positive ways of bringing about the behaviors it wants to see from businesses and marketers.

In-depth articles do just that. It really ups the ante for anyone creating really useful content.

What are In-Depth Articles?

This post isn’t designed to be a detailed overview of the “what”, but the why and how. In simple terms, Google is creating a new SERP position that highlights long form content that is at least 2,000 words in length.

And while it may be a huge effort to create this level of article, the rewards are now potentially greater.

How Does it Affect SEO

Fitting such prominent results into increasingly squeezed SERPs is of course going to impact those traditional listings, pushing out those that don’t put content at the very center of their strategy.

It further dilutes a business’ ability to reach those key positions without content but for those that do with such standout markup as you can see above the click-through rate will undoubtedly be huge.

It’s still the early days yet – as of this writing, Google’s new feature is only available in the U.S. – but early data shows that in-depth articles are indeed going to feature heavily in even the most valuable of niches.

In a survey of initial impact, Moz data scientist Dr. Pete Meyers found that around 7 percent (by volume) of U.S. queries featured the new addition within the first few days of launch. That’s significant so early on, knowing how Google likes to grow new initiatives. We just have to look at how “(not provided)” grew for evidence of that.

As for how it changes SEO focus. Why would you focus on those “normal” positions when in-depth articles are this prominent?

How Can You Benefit?

The question then is how can you get a piece of the action? To answer this question we must tackle both the technical implementation piece and also the strategy around content creation.

Technical implementation

There are few clues from Google about exactly how they choose to highlight certain articles but one thing we do know it that the minimum word count for potential inclusion is 2,000 words.

Advice is that publishers should follow the usual guidelines for longer content and to build a solid Schema markup process into your publishing plan.

Markup helps Google to understand the elements of a page and extract specific elements to use within SERPs or other areas of its business, such as Google+.

Google suggests using the following to enhance your chances of being chosen for one of the hallowed positions:

Think also about implementing pagination schema (rel=next/rel=prev) to avoid issues as this could kill off your article’s chances before it’s even had the chance to shine.

Content Strategy

While you can do a lot to increase your chances of being picked up without the right content you are lost at sea. And with such a huge traffic reward now in place thinking around how you build out a content strategy should now change.

A lot is written and spoken about ‘storytelling’ and ‘evergreen content‘ and while a lot of it is hot air there is real value in being able to intelligently present both through your brand’s content.

Where the in-depth articles piece really does come into play is in the evergreen content arena. Here’s great strategy to create evergreen content.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is a term given to content that has longevity and can be as relevant in two years as it is at the time of its writing. It addresses the inherent needs of the particular audience you’re targeting and is often more in depth.

Such content is therefore perfect for investing in. If targeted well, that content will stick around longer and attract a lot of traffic over time.

Build it requires research. And lots of it.

Keyword research using tools such as the ubiquitous Ubersuggest or Google’s Keyword Planner can provide great insight around which terms are most often searched for and these become the foundation of any evergreen strategy. Google Trends can also help you discover topics that are gaining in popularity and you can easily identify your best performing posts through Analytics with a view to expanding them, as you already know they work.

To give you an idea of what kinds of phrases are often ripe for such an approach, think about creating posts that answer such things as:

Writing it

Once you have your list of ideas gathered, the next stage is to begin building each piece.

It is key that you well optimize this and as well as ticking off all the schema requirements mentioned above it make sense to ensure that the following rules are also followed:

Structuring the Process

Structure is also key. Again, it can pay to create a “schematic version” of your long form content before you start writing. This is the basic process I follow when writing any significant piece:

Such a planned approach ensures that you leave no stone unturned in your approach and come out the other side with a well researched, unique and valuable piece of content ready for the key sharing stage.


While social signals aren’t a proven ranking factor, they undoubtedly help – certainly where Google’s freshness algorithm is concerned.

With so much meta data in place to obtain in-depth article status, it’s entirely possible that sharing will play a more important part in as a ranking factor for these articles. The search engine is clearly going to take more time crawling such pieces of content and social should be a key validator as to whether it’s really a “great” piece of content.

Work, therefore, on improving how well shared it is will surely be imperative to the process. It makes sense to have an outreach plan that includes such elements as:


Without a doubt, in-depth articles will change the SERPs ecosystem significantly and render existing click-through rate studies useless. Such is the significance of the change.

Early indicators suggest the new feature will surface across the majority of verticals too.

Investing in quality content will continue to become a more important part of any digital strategy heading into the future. Start preparing now for the global launch later this year.

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