IndustryGoogle Maps Warns Users When Their Destination Will Be Closed

Google Maps Warns Users When Their Destination Will Be Closed

Maps will give users a warning when their destination will be closed at time of arrival.

As more and more brands provide business information on Google, Maps has become more intelligent, now informing users if they have enough time to explore a place.

The new feature is listed in Maps’ updated changelog. It shows that users will receive a warning when they are about to navigate to a place that will be closed at time of arrival.

Navigation warnings could help Maps users better manage their time. For example, if a user’s destination is scheduled to close in 15 minutes while it takes a 20-minute walk to get there, the user can choose not to go to the place.

Along with the warning feature, Google has added car rental reservations. When users search for “my events” on Maps, they will be able to see car rental reservations from their Gmail, in addition to flight and hotel bookings.


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