IndustryGoogle Follow Finder Lets You Find Some Sweet Tweeps

Google Follow Finder Lets You Find Some Sweet Tweeps

Wow, is the Chirp Conference cranking out a high volume of news. On top of Promoted Tweets and Google Replay, there was also Google Follow Finder.

Google's Presence at SES New York

Image by SESConferenceSeries via Flickr

Google Follow Finder is a new experimental service in Google Labs that can help you expand your Twitter network. With Google Follow Finder, simply enter your Twitter account name and you’ll see a list of people you might be interested in following. You can also get interesting suggestions by entering other Twitter user names.

Aaron Wise, Google’s Associate Product Manager, said in a post yesterday, “If you see someone you want to follow, just click ‘Follow on Twitter,’ log in, and they’ll be added to your following list in Twitter. This integration is based on Twitter’s new @anywhere frameworks, which make it easy for any site to add Twitter functionality. We’re using the frameworks to provide dynamic information about Twitter accounts and one-click following.”

Now, this isn’t an enabling technology for stalkers or other creeps.

The lists in Google Follow Finder are generated using public following and follower lists on Twitter. For example, if you follow CNN and the New York Times on Twitter, and most people who follow CNN and the New York Times also tend to follow TIME, Google Follow Finder will suggest TIME as a “Tweep you might like.” The list of “Tweeps with similar followers” is simply a list of accounts with similar follower lists to yours.

Get it? Got it? Good.

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