46 Ways to Kill It With Content

Manipulative techniques are being rendered redundant. Now is the time to embrace change. Creating killer content will lead that charge. Check out this list of quick-fire actions filled with ideas to help grow your investment in valuable content.

Date published
September 24, 2012 Categories


“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die.”Fredrich Neitzsche

While I certainly don’t agree with everything Nietzsche shared, his famous quote above captures nicely where digital marketing is right now.

As an industry, change is something we live with day in day out, but we’re in a period of unprecedented shift. Google is moving to a model of rewarding relevance and value based on the semantic web while rendering manipulative techniques of old redundant.

As Wil Reynolds explained so eloquently as the central theme to his recent Mozcon presentation, it’s time to do #RCS or Real Company Stuff (the polite version). And content investment leads that charge, which means you’ll need to know how to make the most of creating it.

What follows are a few killer tips to help with that transition and help everyone “cast off” that skin, starting with this quick-fire list of actions you should be considering taking as you grow your content investment.

Idea Creation

Creating Structure

Content Strategy

Content Execution

Measure Effectiveness

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